Normal hemostasis involves a complex and delicate balance that is maintained by the interaction between procoagulant and anticoagulant proteins. The coagulation factors Va and VIIIa are regulated through the Protein C / Protein S pathway. Thrombin bound to thrombomodulin becomes a potent activator of Protein C. In combination with its cofactor, protein S, activated protein C (APC) inactivates factor Va and VIIIa by specific cleavages, thus, slowing down the coagulation cascade. See Also Activated Protein C Resistance (Factor V Leiden) R506Q Mutation and Protein C Antigen Assay
دواعي الإستعمال
Factor Va resistance to protein C (Factor V Leiden) is a thrombophilic disorder that is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. It is now recognised as the single most common cause of hereditary thrombophilia. APC resistance induced venous thrombosis varies in severity from simple limb deep vein thrombosis (DVT) through cerebral venous thrombosis to the Budd Chiari syndrome.
نوع العينة والكمية والشروط
2 ml Citrate Plasma Frozen
إحتياطات خاصة
Avoid haemolysed samples. Separate plasma and freeze immediately after collection. Patient should stop anticoagulant therapy before testing (consult treating physician).
المعدل الطبيعي
Normal: > 120 Heterozygous: 61-119 Homozygous: ≤ 60