C. burnetii is a gram-negative pleomorphic coccobacillus obligate intracellular micro-organism. C. burnetii causes Q-fever, a zoonotic disease spread by direct or indirect contact with an infected animal. Although sheep, cattle and goats are the primary reservoirs, C. burnetii naturally infects > 40 different species including cats, dogs, rabbits, ticks, mites and parasitic flies. Spore-like particles of C. burnetii can survive for 7-10 months on walls at 15-20°C and for > 1 month on meat in cold storage. In man, most infected individuals suffer from fever; however, disease manifestations differ from one geographical region to another and include self-limited febrile illness, pneumonia, and hepatitis.
دواعي الإستعمال
Laboratory diagnosis of C. burnetii is mostly serological and depends on the detection of C. burnetii-specific antibodies. Diagnosis based on a single serum sample is not ideal; A rising IgG titre provides strong evidence of recent C. burnetii infection.
نوع العينة والكمية والشروط
1 ml Serum Room Temperature
إحتياطات خاصة
المعدل الطبيعي
Negative: < 20 U/ml