Sputum: Bronchial washings are frequently diluted with topical anaesthetics and irrigating fluids, but bronchoscopy still provides a high yield of positive specimens. Urine: Positive acid-fast stained smears with low numbers of organisms are not diagnostic, because of the presence of Mycobacterium smegmatis in genital secretions of normal patients. Stool: M. avian complex is commonly isolated from the stool of patients with AIDS and may contribute to diarrheal disease, but other agents must also be ruled out. Stool is rarely the specimen of choice for the primary diagnosis of Mycobacterial infection.
دواعي الإستعمال
In cases of Mycobacteria infection, successful isolation of the bacilli depends on the amount of specimen available for culture. Collection of early morning specimens of sputum and urine on each of three consecutive days is optimum. Gastric lavage specimens must be neutralised with sodium carbonate if transport is delayed for more than a few hours.
نوع العينة والكمية والشروط
Sputum, Body Fluid Room Temperature
إحتياطات خاصة
Collect sample in a sterile, leak- proof container. Transport immediately at 2-8°C. If DNA probes and identification by PCR are requested, see instructions for collection and storage.
المعدل الطبيعي
No Growth