Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) is one of a family of six IGFBPs, which are multifunctional proteins that transport and stabilise IGFs in the circulation, modulate the effects of IGF on a variety of cellular functions, and may also regulate cells by IGF independent mechanisms. IGFBP-3 is by far the most abundant IGFBP in the circulation, where it has a central role in regulating IGF bioavailability to the tissues. In addition, IGFBP-3 is proposed to act by inhibiting the access of IGF to the type I IGF receptor, which mediates most of the actions of IGF.
دواعي الإستعمال
Biological functions of IGF-I and IGF-II are modulated by specific high-affinity IGFBP-3. Low levels of IGFBP-3 is associated with liver disease and cirrhosis and correlate with liver dysfunction. Elevated IGFBP-3 levels have been found in patients with active acromegaly.
نوع العينة والكمية والشروط
1 ml Serum 1 ml Heparinized Plasma Stability: 24 Hours at 22 °C 24 Hours at 2-8 °C 12 Months at -25 °C
إحتياطات خاصة
Avoid grossly haemolysed or grossly lipemic samples.
المعدل الطبيعي
1 Year: 0.7-3.6 µg/mL 24-125 nmol/L 2 Years: 0.8-3.9 µg/mL 28-136 nmol/L 3 Years: 0.9-4.3 µg/mL 31-150 nmol/L 4 Years: 1.0-4.7 µg/mL 35-163 nmol/L 5 Years: 1.1-5.2 µg/mL 38-181 nmol/L 6 Years: 1.3-5.6 µg/mL 45-195 nmol/L 7 Years: 1.4-6.1 µg/mL 49-212 nmol/L 8 Years: 1.6-6.5 µg/mL 56-226 nmol/L 9 Years: 1.8-7.1 µg/mL 63-247 nmol/L 10 Years: 2.1-7.7 µg/mL 73-268 nmol/L 11 Years: 2.4-8.4 µg/mL 83-292 nmol/L 12 Years: 2.7-8.9 µg/mL 94-310 nmol/L 13 Years: 3.1-9.5 µg/mL 108-330 nmol/L 14 Years: 3.3-10.0 µg/mL 115-348 nmol/L 15 Years: 3.5-10.0 µg/mL 122-348 nmol/L 16 Years: 3.4-9.5 µg/mL 118-330 nmol/L 17 Years: 3.2-8.7 µg/mL 111-303 nmol/L 18 Years: 3.1-7.9 µg/mL 108-275 nmol/L 19 Years: 2.9-7.3 µg/mL 101-254 nmol/L 20 Years: 2.9-7.2 µg/mL 101-250 nmol/L 21-25 Years: 3.4-7.8 µg/mL 118-271 nmol/L 26-30 Years: 3.5-7.6 µg/mL 122-264 nmol/L 31-35 Years: 3.5-7.0 µg/mL 122-243 nmol/L 36-40 Years: 3.4-6.7 µg/mL 118-233 nmol/L 41-45 Years: 3.3-6.6 µg/mL 115-230 nmol/L 46-50 Years: 3.3-6.7 µg/mL 115-233 nmol/L 51-55 Years: 3.4-6.8 µg/mL 118-237 nmol/L 56-60 Years: 3.4-6.9 µg/mL 118-240 nmol/L 61-65 Years: 3.2-6.6 µg/mL 111-230 nmol/L 66-70 Years: 3.0-6.2 µg/mL 104-216 nmol/L 71-75 Years: 2.8-5.7 µg/mL 97-198 nmol/L 76-80 Years: 2.5-5.1 µg/mL 87-177 nmol/L 81-85 Years: 2.2-4.5 µg/mL 77-157 nmol/L