
17 بيتا استراديول e2 بلازما المصل


17-β-Estradiol (E2) is a potent oestrogen secreted by the granulosa cells of the ovaries and by the placenta. E2 is also an active metabolic product of testosterone in males. The steroid hormone E2 is a key regulator of growth, differentiation and function in a wide array of target tissues, including the mal e and female reproductive tracts, mammary gland and skeletal and cardiovascular systems. It is important for female sexual differentiation and development during gestation and puberty and for endometrial growth and for triggering ovulation. E2 also plays a role in the prevention of male sperm cell apoptosis.

دواعي الإستعمال

This test is used to evaluate sexual development, cause of infertility (anovulation, amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea), menopause and in monitoring IVF patients undergoing ovulation stimulation. Increased levels are associated with oestrogen producing tumours and gynecomastia (benign enlargement of the male breast).

نوع العينة والكمية والشروط

1 ml Serum 1 ml K2, K3-EDTA or Li-Heparin Stability: 12 Hours at 20-25 °C 2 Days at 2-8 °C 6 Months at -20 °C

إحتياطات خاصة

State day of menstrual cycle. Steroid therapy may influence result. Freeze samples only once.

المعدل الطبيعي

Male: 11.3 - 43.2 pg/mL Female: 41.4 - 159 pmol/L Follicular Phase: 12.4 - 233 pg/mL 45.4 - 854 pmol/L Ovulation Phase: 41.0 - 398 pg/mL 151 - 1461 pmol/L Luteal Phase: 22.3 - 341 pg/mL 81.9 - 1251 pmol/L Postmenopause: < 5 - 138 pg/mL < 18.4 - 505 pmol/L Pregnant Female:1st Trimester: 154 - 3243 pg/mL 563 - 11902 pmol/L 2nd Trimester: 1561 - 21280 pg/mL 5729 - 78098 pmol/L 3rd Trimester: 8525 - > 30000 pg/mL 31287 - > 110100 pmol/L

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