HBV is a double-stranded, enveloped DNA virus of the Hepadnaviridae family, which replicates in the liver and causes liver destruction. HBV is the smallest DNA virus known: ; it has only 3,200 bp in its genome, which is uniquely organised in a partly double-stranded, circular pattern that contains overlapping genes that encode both structural proteins (pre-S, surface, and core) and reflective proteins (polymerase and X protein). The pre-S protein is believed to play a role in cell attachment, the surface HBsAg is a component of the envelope, and the core protein is essential for viral packaging and is part of the nucleocapsid. The function of the X protein in not known. However, it has been found to be required for the establishment of an infection in vivo. See Also Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg), Serum
The detection of HBV DNA has limited usefulness for diagnostic purposes. HBV DNA is detectable in the serum of persons with acute and chronic HBV infection. Generally, detection of HBV DNA by PCR has the same significance as detection of HBsAg and indicates current HBV infection. Monitoring HBV DNA levels is useful in determining the response of a person with chronic HBV infection to interferon treatment.
Sample Type, Quantity & Conditions
1 ml EDTA Plasma
Special Precautions
Collect in serum separation vacutainer tube. Avoid contamination with DNA of phlebotomist and send tube unopened. Avoid haemolysed samples.
Normal Range
Not Detected