
Scientific Departments

MedLabs is the leading provider of diagnostic laboratory testing, including genetics, metabolic disorders and anatomic pathology testing in the Jordanian private healthcare sector. We use the latest methods, equipment and software systems in all our departments and deal with the most reputable international suppliers in our field. We are dedicated to keeping up with the fast growing pace of laboratory medicine to provide our clients with the widest range of laboratory tests – making Jordan self reliant in this field and a trusted reference centre for laboratories in the region.

Biochemistry & Special Chemistry

Headed by
Dr. Nash’at Dahabreh

Microbiology & Parasitology

Headed by
Dr. Layla Al Khatib

Haematology & Coagulation

Headed by
Dr. Ruba Abed

Immunology & Serology

Headed by
Dr. Nash’at Dahabreh

Molecular Biology & Cytogenetics

Headed by
Dr. George Sahyoun

Histopathology & Cytopathology

Headed by
Dr. Thaher Al Salman - Dr. Mahmud Habashneh

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