Iron is mainly absorbed in the duodenum and upper jejunum. A transporter protein (divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1)) facilitates transfer of iron across the intestinal epithelial cells. Absorbed iron is bound in the bloodstream by the glycoprotein transferrin. Normally, about 20 to 45% of transferrin binding sites are filled (the percent saturation). About 0.1% of total body iron is circulating in bound form to transferrin. Most absorbed iron is utilized in bone marrow for erythropoiesis. Membrane receptors on erythroid precursors in the bone marrow avidly bind transferrin. About 10 to 20% of absorbed iron goes into a storage pool, which is also being recycled into erythropoiesis, so there is a balance of storage and use.
Increased in excessive iron intake, pernicious, aplastic, and haemolytic anaemias, haemochromatosis, acute leukaemia, lead poisoning, acute hepatitis, vitamin B6 deficiency, Thalassemia and nephritis. Decreased in iron-deficiency anaemia, acute and chronic infections, carcinoma, nephrosis, hypothyroidism, malignancy and autoimmune diseases. A single iron estimation is of little value as changes between serum iron and iron stores are affected by numerous physiological factors such as diurnal rhythm (high in the morning), hormonal influence (cyclic changes in women) and recent diet.
Sample Type, Quantity & Conditions
1 ml Serum 1 ml Li-Heparin Plasma Stability: 7 Days at 15-25 °C 3 Weeks at 2-8 °C Several Years at (-15)-(-25) °C
Special Precautions
Avoid haemolysed samples.
Normal Range
1 Day - 3 Years: 27-110 μg/dL 4.83-19.69 μmol/L Male (4 Years - 6 Years): 25-115 μg/dL 4.48-20.59 μmol/L Female (4 Years - 6 Years): 28-93 μg/dL 5.01-16.65 μmol/L Male (7 Years - 9 Years): 27-96 μg/dL 4.83-17.18 μmol/L Female (7 Years - 9 Years): 30-104 μg/dL 5.37-18.62 μmol/L Male (10 Years - 12 Years): 28-112 μg/dL 5.01-20.05 μmol/L Female (10 Years - 12 Years): 32-104 μg/dL 5.73-18.62 μmol/L Male (13 Years - 15 Years): 26-110 μg/dL 4.65-19.69 μmol/L Female (13 Years - 15 Years): 30-109 μg/dL 5.37-19.51 μmol/L Male (16 Years - 18 Years): 27-138 μg/dL 4.83-24.70 μmol/L Female (16 Years - 18 Years): 33-102 μg/dL 5.91-18.26 μmol/L Male (> 18 Years): 59-158 μg/dL 10.56-28.28 μmol/L Female (> 18 Years): 37-145 μg/dL 6.62-25.96 μmol/L