An Lp (A) molecule is made up of one apolipoprotein B molecule, one apolipoprotein (A) molecule and a lipid moiety similar to that of LDL cholesterol. Lp (A) is very heterogeneous amongst individuals due to heterogeneity in Apo A gene size with an inverse relation between Apo(A) size and Lp (A) levels. Due to its composition, Lp (A) is believed to play a pro-atherogenic role. It has been detected in the vessel wall, where it appears to be retained more avidly than LDL. Furthermore, Lp (A) has been reported to attenuate fibrinolysis and promote coagulation. There is also evidence that Lp (A) interacts with IL-6 suggesting is has a pro-inflammatory effect.
Elevations of plasma Lp (A) levels have been significantly correlated with coronary artery disease. Moreover, increased Lp (A) level could be a result of disease rather than a part of the causal pathway. Racial variations in Lp (A) levels exist.
Sample Type, Quantity & Conditions
1 ml Serum Room Temperature
Special Precautions
Normal Range
< 50 mg/dL