Parvovirus (B-19) is among the smallest DNA viruses. It is the only member of the family Parvoviridae known to be pathogenic in humans. B19 exhibits a marked tropism to human bone marrow and replicates only in erythroid progenitor cells. The virus is widespread, and manifestations of infection vary with the immunologic and haematological status of the host. The virus agglutinates human red cells by binding to the red cell P antigen. This P antigen is also present on megakaryocytes, endothelial cells, and foetal myocytes. Individuals who genetically lack P antigen are naturally resistant to B19 infection.
In healthy immuno-competent children, B19 is the cause of erythema infectiosum, an innocuous (mild) rash illness. Infection is occasionally, especially in adults, associated with an acute symmetric polyarthropathy that may mimic rheumatoid arthritis. Infection in individuals with an underlying haemolytic disorder causes transient aplastic crisis. In the immuno-compromised host, persistent B19 infection manifests as pure red cell aplasia and chronic anaemia. Infection during pregnancy can result in foetal death in utero, hydrops fetalis, or development of congenital anaemia. IgG antibodies are detectable about 2 weeks after inoculation or infection and presumably persists for life and protects against secondary infections.
Sample Type, Quantity & Conditions
1 ml Serum Room Temperature
Special Precautions
Normal Range
Negative: < 8.5 DU/mL Borderline: 9.0 8.5- 12.0 DU/mL Positive: > 12.0 DU/mL