
Protein, Total, Serum/Plasma


Blood serum contains two major protein groups; albumin and globulin. Both albumin and globulin carry substances through the bloodstream. In addition, certain types of protein have specific functions; albumin helps keep fluid from leaking out of capillaries and may also help with tissue growth and healing, whereas, globulins which are divided into four types α-1, α-2, β and γ, have type-specific functions such as lipid carriers, acute phase response and both innate and adaptive immunity.


Increased total protein levels are seen in hypergammaglobulinemia associated with chronic inflammatory conditions such as autoimmune disorders and polyclonal and monoclonal gammopathy. High levels are also seen in pseudohyperproteinaemia due to dehydration. Decreased levels are associated with protein loss due to gastroenteropathies, malabsorption, malnutrition, nephrotic syndrome, chronic liver disease, and acute burns.

Sample Type, Quantity & Conditions

1 ml Serum 1 ml Li-Heparin or K2-EDTA Plasma Stability: 1 Month at 2-8 °C 6 Months at (-15)-(-25) °C

Special Precautions

Avoid venous stasis and haemolysed samples.

Normal Range

1 - ≤ 6 days: 4.6- 7.0 g/dL 46-70 g/L 6 Days - ≤6 Months 4.4 - 7.6g/dL 44-76 g/L 6 Months - ≤ I Year 5.1- 7.3g/dL 5.1-73 g/L 1 Year - ≤ 2 Years 5.6-7.5 g/dL 56-75 g/L 2 Years - ≤ 14 Years 6.0-8.0 g/dL 60-80 g/L ˃ 14 Years 6.4-8.3 g/dL 64-83 g/L

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