In humans, uric acid is the final product of purine metabolism and is excreted in the urine. Uric acid levels vary significantly within humans as a result of factors that increase its generation (such as high purine or protein diets, alcohol consumption, conditions with high cell turnover, or enzymatic defects in purine metabolism) or decrease its excretion. After filtration, uric acid undergoes both reabsorption and secretion in the proximal tubules. Uric acid levels are higher in men and also in postmenopausal women since oestrogen is a uricosuric (induces uric acid excretion in urine).
Uric acid levels are increased in subjects with gout and renal disease as the result of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and renal urate excretion reduction or from increased net tubular absorption. In addition, ischemia results in increased uric acid synthesis. Diuretics, such as thiazides, chemotherapy agents for leukaemia and alcohol intake result in elevated serum uric acid. Decreased levels occur in subjects with cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, hyperlipidaemia, insulin resistance, diabetes, liver disease, dyslipidemia (the metabolic syndrome), neoplasms, lymphomas, Down’s syndrome, psoriasis, chronic lead nephropathy, Wilson’s disease, Fanconi’s syndrome, some malignancies, multiple myeloma, Hodgkin’s disease, xanthinuria, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) and low purine diet.
Sample Type, Quantity & Conditions
1 ml Serum 1 ml Li, Na, NH4+-Heparin Plasma Stability: 5 Days at 2-8 °C 6 Months at (-15)-(-25) °C
Special Precautions
Fasting sample preferred.
Normal Range
Male: 3.4-7.0 mg/dL 202.3-416.5 μmol/L Female: 2.4-5.7 mg/dL 142.8-339.2 μmol/L