Normally a red blood cell (RBC) does not contain inclusions in the cytoplasm. However, inclusion bodies may be seen due to certain haematologic disorders. There are three types of red cell inclusions:
1. Developmental Organelles
-(Howell-Jolly Bodies: Single peripheral bodies within red cells representing DNA material. These bodies may be seen in post-splenectomy, megaloblastic anemia, severe hemolysis, and myelophthisic anemia.
-Basophilic Stipplings:These represent RNA material that could be fine or physiological or coarse but all are pathological in nature. Causes include lead poisoning, hemolytic anemia, and pyrimidine 5′-nucleotidase deficiency.
-Pappenheimer Bodies: These are smaller than Howell–Jolly bodies and are multiple, often stacked like cannon balls. They represent iron material. These are found within the mitochondria.
-Cabot Rings: Ring-like structure that may appear in RBCs in megaloblastic anaemia or in severe anaemias, lead poisoning, and in dyserythropoiesis).
2. Abnormal Hemoglobin Precipitation
-Heinz Bodies:These are denatured globin. They require supra vital staining for their demonstration. They can be seen in G6PD deficiency. Heinz bodies are cleared by splenic macrophages. The damaged cells are known as bite cells.
-Hemoglobin H Inclusions seen in α-Thalassemia). 3.ProtozoanInclusions (Malaria and Babesia).
دواعي الإستعمال
Different forms or types of RBC inclusion bodies are associated with certain haematological abnormalities.
نوع العينة والكمية والشروط
1 ml EDTA Whole Blood Room Temperature
إحتياطات خاصة
المعدل الطبيعي