
فيتامين ب 1 الثيامين في الدم


Thiamine is an active molecule and plays a part in many different aspects of energy metabolism that consists of a pyrimidine ring and a thiazolium ring joined by a methylene bridge.It functions as a catalyst in the generation of energy through decarboxylation of branched-chain amino acids and alpha-ketoacids and acts as a coenzyme for transketolase reactions in the form of thiamine pyrophosphate. Thiamine also plays an unidentified role in the propagation of nerve impulses and takes part in myelin sheath maintenance.

دواعي الإستعمال

Deficiency of thiamine can affect the cardiovascular, nervous, and immune system, as is commonly seen in wet beriberi, dry beriberi, or as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Worldwide it is most widely reported in populations where polished rice and milled cereals are the primary food source, and also in patients with chronic alcohol abuse. Dry beriberi presents as symmetrical peripheral neuropathy while wet beriberi presents with high-output heart failure. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (WKS) can manifest with CNS symptoms such as gait changes, altered mental status, and ocular abnormalities.

نوع العينة والكمية والشروط

3 ml Heparin Whole Blood Frozen/Protect from Light

إحتياطات خاصة

المعدل الطبيعي

28 - 85 μg/L

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