Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most common cause of death in the Western world, and is expected to become the leading cause of death in developing countries by 2020. A number of genetic and environmental risk factors have been found or suspected to predispose to CVD.( e.g. diet, alcohol and drug consumption, smoking and stress) Genetic susceptibility may be caused by mutations in a variety of genes mainly involved in blood coagulation,regulation of blood pressure, and metabolism of lipids, glucose, homocysteine or iron.
Can CVD be hereditary?
YES. In recent years, it has been found that many CVDs are caused by predispositions to genetic mutations. These mutations can either be inherited from the mother, the father or both parents. If a mutation is inherited from both parents, its effect will be more severe.
What are CVD risk factors?
- Major Modifiable factors include Hypertension, high cholesterol,
- Smoking and physical inactivity
- Major Non-modifiable factors include: Age, Genetics, Gender and Race
- Contributing Factors include: Diabetes, Obesity, Diet and Stress
What laboratory tests can I have to check for CVD predisposition?
MedLabs CVD screen tests for 12 different mutations that predispose to different diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The test results inform the patient whether he/she is normal (wild type), have one copy of the gene (heterozygous) or two copies (homozygous) – one inherited from each parent.
Why take this test?
This CVD risk profile permits early detection of disease probability, in turn allowing for early diagnosis and, intervention. This profile allows for:
- Proactive risk assessment to provide precise risk screening
- Identification of inherited risks within families (family history)
- Identification of “hidden” risks in healthy- appearing individuals
- Early warning before disease onset
What measures can you take in order to improve your health status?
Although genetic predisposition to CVD cannot be avoided, even for those who have a high risk of CVD, certain effective, preventive measures can be taken. These include:
- Balanced Diet
- Avoid Smoking
- Exercise
- Healthy Life style