
Mohammad Qar’een

In the early days of MedLabs we were just 20 employees. We worked as pioneers with passion and dedication to our referring physicians, patients and one another. We worked as a team – often spending 12 hours a day at the lab, and supported one another fully. We were a community that shared the same values and aspirations and even when MedLabs went through hard times and asked us to stand by its side, we were content to help it succeed. Our loyalty, commitment and hard work remain to this day and we hope to instill these values in the new generation of medical technologists joining MedLabs

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Dr. Haseeb Sayeon Honored for His Pioneering Role in Supporting the Healthcare Sector

Amman, Jordan – During the National Conference on Climate Change and the Green Economy, Former Prime Minister Professor Dr. Adnan Badran honored Dr. Haseeb Sahyoon, President of the Association of Jordanian Medical Laboratory Specialists in Jordan and CEO of MedLabs Medical Laboratories. This recognition comes in appreciation of his outstanding efforts and exceptional leadership of MedLabs, as well as its essential role in advancing the healthcare sector in Jordan.


Dr. Badran praised MedLabs’ pioneering and important contributions to providing advanced medical and diagnostic services in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, as well as its ongoing commitment to public health, addressing challenges, and establishing partnerships to develop the country’s medical sector.


In his speech at the conference, titled “The Jordanian National Response to Climate, Health, and Environmental Changes,” Dr. Haseeb Sahyoon emphasized the importance of addressing climate change and its adverse effects on health. He explained that biodiversity loss and the destruction of ecosystems lead to the spread of diseases and epidemics, necessitating effective responses to safeguard human health.


This recognition highlights MedLabs’ commitment as a key partner in developing Jordan’s healthcare sector, raising awareness of health issues linked to climate change, and strengthening its position as a leading provider of integrated healthcare services.

Prostatitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Prostatitis disease is the inflammation of the prostate gland which is located below the bladder in men. 


Prostatitis is divided into several types. The most common type is acute prostatitis, which is accompanied by sudden and severe symptoms. Another type is chronic prostatitis, which causes less severe symptoms. Prostatitis may be accompanied by Pelvic Inflammatory Disorder (PID). Patients may not show any symptoms and diagnosis is confirmed when undergoing periodic examinations.


Prostatitis is considered a serious medical condition that requires medical intervention, Hence, it is important to know its symptoms, causes, and how to diagnose and treat it.

Symptoms of Prostatitis

Symptoms of prostatitis can vary depending on the type and severity of infection:

Symptoms of Acute Prostatitis

Some or all of the following symptoms may appear in patients:

  • Pain or burning sensation when urinating (dysuria).
  • Difficulty urinating or urinary hesitancy.
  • Urinating more than usual.
  • Frequent urination at night.
  • Fever.
  • Cloudy urine or the presence of blood in the urine.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Pain in the penis, scrotum, or testicles.
  • Chills and flu-like symptoms.

Symptoms of Chronic Prostatitis

Although there are some common symptoms between acute and chronic prostatitis, however, symptoms of chronic prostatitis differ from those of acute prostatitis, and they are usually less severe:

  • Intermittent urination or weak urine stream.
  • Painful ejaculation.
  • Frequent urination at night.
  • Pain in the prostate and surrounding area.
  • Heavy feeling behind the scrotum.

Symptoms of Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS)

When prostatitis is accompanied by chronic pelvic pain syndrome, symptoms usually persist for at least 3 months. Patients notice that the pain extends to the lower abdomen in addition to the prostate.

Alarming Prostatitis Symptoms

See your doctor immediately if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Inability to urinate (urinary retention).
  • Confusion and inability to concentrate.
  • Difficulty and shortness of breath.
  • Change in skin or tongue color.
  • Skin rash.
  • New or worsening symptoms 48 hours after starting antibiotics.

Causes of Prostatitis

There are many causes of prostatitis; Acute prostatitis is mostly caused by bacteria, typically the same bacteria responsible for urinary tract infections or sexually transmitted diseases, While chronic prostatitis may be caused by bacterial infection, inflammation, or both.

Risk Factors for Prostatitis

Prostatitis can affect men of all ages, but the risk of developing prostatitis increases in men aged 50 years or older, or if the patient previously develops benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The risk of developing prostatitis also increases with the presence of one of the following factors:

  • Early puberty.
  • Recurrent prostatitis.
  • Immunodeficiency
  • Recurrent urinary tract or reproductive tract infections.
  • A prostate biopsy or insertion of a urinary catheter.


It is important to know that the severity of chronic prostatitis symptoms increases with exposure to psychological stress or developing nerve damage in the pelvis area.

Diagnosis of Prostatitis

The Specialist diagnoses prostatitis based on symptoms and the following examinations:

  1. Digital rectal examination by the doctor.
  2. Urinalysis and culture to confirm the causative bacteria, if present.
  3. Blood test by measuring the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA).


The healthcare provider may also perform a cystoscopy, semen analysis, and may request a pelvic/ abdominal ultrasound examination.

Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)

It is important to conduct a specialist prostate examination called PSA test to diagnose prostate cancer early and thus increase the chance of successful treatment and remission. The test also helps in the diagnosis of prostatitis and BPH.

If you require any assistance regarding the PSA test, you can reach our MedLabs team by contacting any of our branches located throughout the Kingdom or by contacting our social media channels.


PSA antigen test is an easy blood test that is done by drawing a blood sample and analyzing it by one of our skilled experts at MedLabs.

Treatment of Prostatitis

 Treatment of prostatitis depends on the type of prostatitis. The Physician may prescribe one or more of the following medications or medical procedures:

  1. Antibiotics.
  2. Painkillers including Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. 
  3. Alpha-blockers.
  4. Surgery if necessary.
  5. Urinary catheter if required.


If the symptoms are severe, intravenous antibiotics are administered at the hospital. Once the symptoms improve, patients may be switched to oral antibiotics. Treatment may involve prostate massage and warm compresses to drain congested fluids.


It is crucial to commit to the treatment of prostatitis even if the symptoms gradually improve to avoid the risk of septicemia or causing bacterial abscesses on the prostate or the spread of infection to pelvic bones and lower back vertebrae. 


Symptoms gradually improve 2 weeks following the beginning of treatment yet complete recovery of prostatitis may require commitment to treatment for several weeks while treatment of chronic prostatitis may go on for a longer time. 

Prevention of Prostatitis

There are no specific and clear methods to prevent prostatitis but you can follow these tips to keep your prostate healthy:

  • Maintain the cleanliness of the prostate and the area surrounding it.
  • Avoid sitting for a long period of time.
  • Regular exercise and keeping your body fit.
  • Reducing your weight and avoiding obesity.
  • Ensuring drinking enough water.
  • Eating plenty of vegetables and fruit.
  • Reducing the use of strong and spicy seasonings.
  • Reducing caffeine and quitting alcohol.
  • Preventing sexually transmitted infections.
  • Committing to doing regular checkups.

Misconceptions about Prostatitis

It is vital to clarify some myths and misconceptions about prostatitis and to consult specialized healthcare providers such as urologists to avoid any serious complications.


Myth: Prostatitis can cause permanent sexual problems.

Fact: Some sexual issues can happen due to prostatitis but they are temporary and end with the successful treatment of prostatitis. Your physician may prescribe some supportive medications during your treatment.


Myth: Prostatitis only occurs in seniors.

Fact: Though older men are more susceptible to prostatitis, it can affect men of all ages.